

This project will impact on the adopted methodologies and implemented procedures to perform catalysed reactions that use CO2 as a reagent and, more generally, gas-liquid reactions. In details:

  • Contribute to the reduction of atmospheric CO2 emissions, turning a waste into a feedstock
  • Reactions rates will be increased up to 3 orders of magnitudes in respect of state-of-the-art approaches*
  • Process productivity increase up to 10 times per unit volume, time and concentration
  • Safer operative conditions will be achieved, since reactions will be performed at ambient pressure instead of the 5-20 bar range currently adopted, or even 50 bar in the worst cases.
  • At least 3 times reduction of the catalyst waste production, because of recovery and recycle procedures
  • Straightforward technologies transfer to other CO2 reactions and to the realm of gas-liquid transformations

* Estimation based on our previous experience: . Kayahan, D. Urbani, P. Dambruoso, A. Massi, L. Braeken, T.V. Gerven, M. Enis Leblebici Overcoming mass and photon transfer limitations in a scalable reactor: Oxidation in an aerosol photoreactor Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 408, 127357